Monday, April 6, 2009


Alfred Nobel

"My dynamite will sooner lead to peace than a thousand world conventions. As soon as men will find that in one instant, whole armies can be utterly destroyed, they will surely abide by golden peace."

Jacques-Yve Cousteau

"From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to earth. But man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free."

Keith Campbell - (Sir Ian Wilmut)
"Combining this work with that of other scientists working on stem cell differentiation, there is hope that the promise of regenerative medicine could soon be met" - Sir Ian Wilmut.

This last quote is by a stem cell scientist who is a colleague of Keith Campbell and helped to clone Dolly the sheep in 1997.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Model in google warehouse

Sketchup Animations - Youtube

Animation 1:
Animation 2:

Model Animations - Blogger

Screenshots of Finished Model

Screenshot taken with a section through the datum plane, showing the relationship between above and below ground spaces.

Arial perspective shot attempting to show the concept of a 'Jumble' of a building the best.

Section through center of the below ground space, this illustrates the central placement of the spiral staircase highlighting the 'golden' concept. Also shows the use of custom textures and the deliberate decision to leave the upper space coloured white.

Front elevation of the building, showing below ground studio, datum line, and above ground gallery space/artists studio.